Saturday, 6 September 2014

Red Car Spotted In Bland Town

On Thursday afternoon, our photo reporter was going through Saarburg looking for a story when he came upon this scene: the cautious, bland and featureless character of Saarburg's motoring community fell into shock at the sight of a car that would cause HR departments up and down Germany to question the sanity of its driver (first picture, far left). The traditional colours are grey, silver, blue and black.
In a "town" renowned for its dormitory lifestyle of cautious, characterless commuters who close their front doors at 6 and open them only if the pizza deliverer has been called, a red car would have caused quite a stir.
Local resident Hartmut Landei said: "A red car in Saarburg will lower the tone of the entire neighbourhood. It's no good for business and will make many in town worry for several days that house prices could suffer."
He went on: "For a town full of people whose one sole desire is to make it to the end of their lives without having done anything that could put the orderliness and regularity of their world in jeopardy, this is a game-changer."
It is thought Saarburg's population of nearly 6,000 residents were responsible for the temporary reduction in the speed of broadband in the town on Thursday evening, as locals went on Facebook to see if it was any of their friends who owned the car.
The perpetrator of the panic, the car's driver, was found to be Ms Amélie Laroche, a Frenchwoman who had crossed the border for a day to go shopping in Saarburg. Having not found any shops of note, she parked her car and went to eat a pizza before driving back to France.

The offending red car on the far left

How Saarburg used to look

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