Saturday, 26 July 2014

Cricket Causes Local Complaints

The sound of a cricket has been causing locals to complain to the town council. The right to silence has a different meaning out here - not just used for suspects of crime, here in Saarburg it means that locals have the right not to have to put up with hearing other people when they get home and close their doors. They have the right not to have to put up with tourists passing their doors on bikes, children playing in the streets and car drivers who thoughtlessly go out with their engines on.
This latest brouhaha will undoubtedly lead to a council crackdown on the little green insects, and a Cricket Eradication Committee (Grillenvernichtungskommission) has already been set up with the task of cutting down on the noise, said to contribute to at least three complaints per week.
Hartmut Landei, a local, said "this will really put Saarburg on the map. The removal of all the crickets is a step in the right direction when it comes to our right to silence."

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